Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama?! Who Saw That Coming?

OK, so Hillary did not win the election. We'll see who is sworn in, but I do have to pay off about $3 in bets, plus a cup of coffee.

John McCain, war hero, long time politician, "outsider/maverick" lost to an untested newbie. Almost half of the voters voted for McCain, even though he was hoping to be Geo Bush's third term. Where voters had a chance, they voted for dems overwhelmingly. Even this close election is a terrible defeat for the republicans.

This happened in 2006 as well, with a view to ending the war and impeaching Geo Bush, the worst, most dangerous president the USA has ever had. Neither impeachment nor and end to the war happened. Is it reasonable to hope for change with Obama? In the debates he agreed with McCain on the major issues... the war, the bailout, etc. I suppose we can hope he was lying like all politicians do, and he will actually overturn the bailouts and end the war. We can hope for change.

We'll know the economy wil improve if these things happen in the first 100 days:

1. End the war in Iraq and Afghanistan responsibly. Get out immediately. Cut a deal with the Chinese... we are withdrawing, you can have it. We'll buy what we need.

2. Close Guantanamo, bring anyone facing charges into USA court system. end military tribunals. End the military careers of any officer involved in Guantanamo and the military tribunals.

3. Repeal the patriot act and the FISA act.

4. Eliminate the TSA. Airlines can protect their own private property.

5. Eliminate the FED and cancel all bailout programs.

It's a start. If he does these things we can be on our way to the good, true and beautiful, peace and prosperity.

But maybe it is necessary for the dems to have overwhelming power, just like conservatives did, and fail too, to convince people to get back to personal responsibility and the benefits of freedom. We can only hope for change.