Sunday, December 21, 2008

All Hail The People of Spokane!

This is exciting news! When a wee snow storm paralyzed the government of Spokane, the people enjoyed the benefits of the spontaneous order that emerges out of the chaos of government-run polities. A private company organised a "plow-in" freeing the house-bound where the government could not. Neighbors helped neighbors for no reason other than love. Charity abounded where strangers checked in on strangers. Accidents were left to the insurance companies as people exchanged info and moved on with no police interference. Doctors and nurses are treating people for injuries with NO PAPERWORK involved! Excellent food and fuel is being shared with no interference by licensing authorities. Crime has dropped dramatically in spite of the fact that police cannot respond. Kids are earning money doing good while doing well, and learning life lessons! People are enjoying each others company.

City oppression will resume at a time convenient to the city employees, perhaps after the holidays.

(Why do we pretend the government can assist us, when it cannot? Why do we assume we cannot help ourselves, when we always do?)