Thursday, December 4, 2008

China To Join Pirate Fight?

Let's see: Nato, Russia, India and now perhaps China will crowd into the middle east to fight pirates. So many computer controlled weapons systems, so many hackers, in so tight a space. And Israel announcing they may "go it alone" in attacking Iran. Madness!

The pirates of course are private initiatives. As long as history has been recorded, pirates have been effectively dealt with by private initiative. The means is the letter of marque, where govts give authority to groups to take on a problem such as pirates. Sometimes a bounty is put on pirates, sometimes the pay is to keep what the privateers seize from the pirates. In any case, any pirates captured are hanged.

There is even a better way, which is withdraw the forces fomenting chaos in the middle east, but that is unlikely. I only point out it is strange for so many nations to show up in a tight space for an otherwise manageable problem.