Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Consulting With Everyone Who Agrees

This is funny... the incoming Obama admin is discussing a "stimulus package" with economists "across the spectrum." Only one questioned whether a stimulus package was a good idea (probably a wrong number...)

We are in trouble because we borrowed and spent. We will live below our means because we have lived beyond our means. The solution of those who brought us this disaster is to do it some more. They have lined up the psychophants that brought us this disaster and asked them what they think. Who they have not asked is those who predicted this disaster and know how to get out of it.

The struggle the Obama Admin has is "how big" the package should be. Maybe a trillion. better safe than sorry. Except, it comes out of the futures of all of us.

The Bush admin was staffed by people who would not make the same mistakes in Iraq that were made in Vietnam. They made the exact same mistakes. Bernanke promises to not make the same mistakes as the great depression. Both Bush and Obama admins are making the exact same mistakes. This time only bigger.

I have been busy interviewing old timers who lived through the depression, asking them for advice on how to live through another. Not many who were adults then still left. If you get a chance to ask any, why not let us know what they say.


Anonymous said...

A stimulus package is a short-term solution to a long-term problem. It's as simple as that.
Yosef Solomon
Management Consultant