Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Honey Laundering

China is being attacked again, this time for the fault of unscrupulous USA dealers, who find money to be made in honey in a world of silly restrictions, taxes and regulations that promote a false sense of security. If we got rid of the "anti-dumping" punitive taxes on honey imports from some countries, and then got rid of all inspections so that task fell to the importers, then we would have a safe, rational, economic source of honey.

Since government intervention has distorted the market, the bad is driving out the good. Honey is being transshipped effectively, and more honey of less quality is going through the system. As an importer I know and care where my goods come from. Because of regulation, people who do not care can get in the business and make a killing, harming all of the legitimate businesses. As the unscrupulous get lower prices, the scrupulous must do the same or suffer.

Blaming China is foolish, since "China" has nothing to do with this. Unscrupulous USA people, pay people overseas to sell and ship exactly what some unscrupulous USA importers demand. How are honey dealers to know what the market is for honey in USA unless the person paying them, the USA importer with money, tells them? The problem is entirely here in USA, and can be solved here, easily and quickly.

The Seattle PI joins the rest of the USA govt-run media in the libel of China for faults within the USA.