Friday, January 2, 2009

Bush Vs Obama Policy Differences

I ask people to name one policy difference between Bush and Obama, and usually the answer is "health care." (I am surprised by this, but since Obama is promising to escalate the war in Afghanistan, that is no longer different). The problem with that answer is Geo Bush signed into law the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, which required he mislead the congress on its costs, which former US Comptroller General David M. Walker has called this "...probably the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s... because we promise way more than we can afford to keep." And people say the democrats are profligate when it comes to health care spending!

I perceived in one argument a premise that the Obama would support different items being subsidized therefore, there is a difference in policy.

Of course my argument is more radical than priorities in what to subsidies, my argument has to do with free markets vs. government intervention. I find it common when the argument is clarified thus, the fallback positions are something along the lines that without government oversight, we would have chaos. We have chaos now, which is being managed buy government picking winners and losers, fiddling with quality, and rationing.

Both Bush and Obama are for subsidized and government controlled medicine. And middle east policies, and the bailouts. Not only are they identical in policies, they are now dressing identically, down to identical lapel pins.