Monday, January 12, 2009

Madoff Not To Jail

I shake my head when I read headlines about someone "killed for his Nikes" or some other crazy worthless reason, most recent some killings over a stolen iPod. What a waste. We do not make the same argument when the state kills someone for "reaching for his wallet" to present ID or failure to obey an officer's command. (Believe it or not resisting false arrest is legal in USA.)

NOw comes Bernie Madoff, who is still busy scamming, and the courts say he does not have to go to prison. Taxpayers will pay for security people to take inventory of his assets every so often. A black man would be long gone for the same offenses.

Now I am not saying Bernie Madoff should be put in jail, I am just saying we should not be putting so many black men, who do far less, in jail.

In a free market, Bernie Madoff would not be able to pull off his crime.