Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another China...Oooops... USA Recall

What goes around comes around. Regarding the recall of peanut Corporation of America tainted products, you have to dig deep to learn the FDA has been citing these people since 2001. But no enforcement. One shipment from PCA was exported to Canada, and it was so nasty the Canadians rejected it and shipped it back. Nonetheless, the FDA let it come on back in without inspecting it. Gross! Here and here is more.

Note how we blame "China" and the "Chinese" when some importers sneak in tainted products to USA. Do you suppose the Canadians say "America" and "Americans" shipped tainted, death-dealing peanuts into Canada? No, they say Peanut Corporation of America shipped them in. (Too bad "america" is in the name, though).

And note, Canadian govt inspectors did not catch th4e bad peanuts, the importers did. I'll say it again, we will be far safer when there is no government inspections to cause false sense of security, when we require importers have sole responsibility for quality control.

Why do we pretend government can assure quality control? Why do we pretend business cannot assure quality control?