Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What New Products?

Saks is doing it right.... during Christmas sales season they slashed prices 70%, driving plenty of people who tried to match them out of business... Sak's boss knows to clear out the old stuff while customers are in the stores...

As I mentioned before, the goods on the shelves and in the pipelines is not what people are buying. Stores are desperate for what will sell, what will loosen up the wallets of those who are in their stores.

Of course take feedback directly from your customers, but also note what others are doing. Coke and Pepsi are supposed to be recession proof, but they have learned people are eating out less often. So, what are they coking with? Is there an opening?

Apple is finding sales of iPhone to poor people, as I mentioned earlier in this blog. So, economy commands a higher price.

Starbucks is going down market, but here is a case of big mistake. Mickey D will slaughter them, as I've pointed out before.

Wonderbread is launching a natural, organic line. The mind boggles!

Neiman Marcus is advertising Old World Chain, a company offering heavy gold chains. It is only a matter of time until this govt seizes citizens gold, as they did in 1933, so gold jewelry is a good idea. The heavier, more pure, the better. Branding here is important.

Best Buy is still selling boom economy products with boom economy sensibilities. "Be the one who gives the presentation of a lifetime, every time." What? Expecting to testify before congress? Who is making presentations anymore? I'd short Best Buy if I was in stocks right now.