Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crisis As Opportunity

Pres Obama is echoing Hillary today insisting that this crisis is a great opportunity. He fails to reflect on the cause of the crisis, and the opportunity it might provide

Since Obama is unaware the crisis has its genesis in the Federal Reserve System, he fails to suggest the change that will matter, to wit, eliminating the Fed. He may be aware as a practical matter that eliminating the Fed will never happen, because US citizens are no different than the Germans under Hitler or the Israelites under Samuel who shriek "give us more oppression, give us more oppression." Politicians thrive on complimenting voters' lack of faith in God.

One thing Obama could do, would be to carve out a section of the USA that would be autonomous of the United States, such as Hong Kong vis a vis China. It might be a cross between the District of Columbia and an Indian reservation. (Did you know no reservation Casino has ever been inspected by a county health board (no jurisdiction) and there has yet to be a single case of food poisoning reported against reservation food service?)

Again, an autonomous region in USA will never fly, unless it presents itself as a safe haven for the criminal class that comprises the powers that be in USA. Now that Switzerland has been alienated, where will the powerful hide their assets? As USA becomes more hated worldwide, where will the big wigs go for top medical care, now that we are slipping into third world medical care status?

By offering a Hong Kong on USA soil, a deal can be cut where the seeds of freedom can be stored until this political ice age we are moving into reverses itself. May I recommend Washington State become this territory? Perhaps Northern California and Reno?


Anonymous said...

Yes, Reno!