Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Future of USA Health Care

Since the Dems and Repubs wish to imitate the British national Health Service, let's take a peak at what is in store for USA.


Anonymous said...

Having lived in both the US and the UK I believe that the quality of care given by the NHS in England is comparable to most care in the US. There will always be isolated incidents where mistakes are made.

If the US implements national health care and you are happy with the care you receive now then, like in the UK, you can keep your existing plan.

But for the millions of Americans, many of whom are trying to start small businesses, who do not have health care their lives will improve dramatically.

The US already spends the same or more money per person on health care as most European countries with universal health care. The major difference is that we spend it after our citizens have already become ill and can no longer afford to pay. In nations with universal health care a lot of that money goes to preventative medicine which is cheaper in the long run.

And how many people are there out there that choose not to start a small business because employment is linked to health care?

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Michael Moore's film "Sicko"? I have a great deal of respect for him and his reporting. Your post is about 1 hospital not the whole system as I read it. We are making the drug companies very rich at the expense of our health - they keep getting the FDA to outlaw stuff that is good for us so we will HAVE to take their drugs many of which are very harmful. Please see the film.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Europe and do not much care for the Health care system there. Due to the fact that nationalized heath care is failing, many of those countries are changing the structure to a sort of nationalized, privatized mix. The Netherlands has a program that many countries are looking to copy.
I have also worked in health care the better portion of my life and have seen our system from an insider's perspective. Yes, we do have big problems in our system, many of which resemble that in the story to a bit lesser degree. In many hospitals in our country, you are not always safe in our hospitals and should have family members nearby 24/7 to help spot mistakes. Michael Moore has some valid points, but much of what he says is hype and propaganda, which as a citizen and film maker, he has the right to say.
The thing that is good about our system is that we still have some choices in regard to our care. Freedom to choose the course of our own care! This will be gone if we nationalize, I have lived it and seen it for myself overseas.