Monday, March 16, 2009

Get Big or Get Out, Example # 372631

In a neat trick, the Obama administration hopes to save money by reneging on government agreements to help disabled veterans. Since Obama is continuing the Bush policy of bailing out the bankers, and no one has objected to our grandchildren paying to bail out the Obama/Bush system, whose going to complain about reneging on the deal with veterans.

Bankers make political contributions, as yet unborn grandchildren do not. Vets are of now use once they are disabled so too bad for them.

Part of the plan is to make employer insurance pay for the veterans disabilities. This is a double header, because not only does it leave the veteran out of luck, it breaks small businesses too with new higher rates (I suppose they can just refuse to hire vets.)

I like this guys line... "the government ordered these people into war, not the insurance companies..."