Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free Market Justice

After the Bush administration failed to protect us from another attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11, I advised forgiveness on the listserv that pre-existed this blog. Like all of my good ideas, I stole that one, in this case from Mother Teresa. M. Teresa advised "forgiveness" in the light of the Bopal disaster in the 1980's, an outrageous criminal act.

What if we responded to 9-11 with forgiveness, and offered to sit with the perpetrators with a 2 part agenda.

1. Why?

2. Immunity from prosecution if any perpetrator could prove any participation.

Free market justice. We would end up with a better explanation than "they hate our freedom" and we would know who did it. We'd get enough info on those who refuse to repent to prosecute them for their crimes.

Those criminal who were given immunity would be hard pressed to pull anything else off, since they would be watched closely. How many of them, in light of forgiveness, would truly repent?

Just alternative thinking...
