Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Decline a Supplier

On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:29 AM, jimmy wrote:

Hi John,
How do you do!
Do you have any news for last time the book printing?

Hey Jimmy,

Thanks for checking in... let me make a review...

There are very many printers in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and some with exciting capabilities. Your prices were very good, especially at the higher print run levels. AS you know, you showed me some large catalogs, that are quite impressive, and I understand your point if you can make a large book, you can certainly make a small book like mine.

AS you know the saying goes, "you get what you pay for..." I was concerned I might not be happy with the quality of the books for the market for my books. My book is a reference kind of book that people keep and read and re-read. It must be of the highest quality. In this instance, I went with another printer for a minimum run, although this other printer charges more, with his samples his quality is exactly what I am looking for. Sadly you had no example of a small book like mine for me to examine.

I have other books coming out and I believe NAME WITHHELD will be a very good match for those books. If you will permit, I will contact you when those books are ready to print for a quote.

I look forward to meeting you again!

