Monday, June 8, 2009

Who Will Make Toasters In USA?

For those who believe the economy will turn around this year, all is good.
For those of us who know it will not, it is even better. Those who start biusoinesses later need to know a couple of things:

1. You need no financing to start your business. You have enough money, or you can save enough quick enough to get going soon enough. So do NOT worry about financing.

2. Customers are receptive, so that part will be relative easy.

3. Government rule and regulations will be overwhelming. Sand is listed by the EPA as a hazardous material, meaning lots of forms and controls and "procedures."

This is one of the main reasons you will outsource and go overseas.

When rules and regulations are reduced back to rational level, we'll see the USA economy begin to recover. My test is the toaster: whe we see toaster made in USA again, I'll know we are back on track.