Friday, July 10, 2009

Enough Who Know

There are enough people who know, who have their facts straight, in every field, and they are easy enoough to access, so their is not reason to get trapped in hoaxes like "cancer screening" or ADD/ADHD, or HRT. You just have to ask around.

One reason medical "care" is so expensive, is we all have to pay for these hoaxes, when the price of goods and services include employer-paid medical, which feeds these hoaxes.

When one has employer-paid healthcare, and the system-supported doctors tells you to have a colonoscopy, well, why not, it's only $25 co-pay and it could save my life! Except, it costs us overall tens of thousands and the chances of the procedure saving your life are slim to none.

This article mentions the distress people experience when they are told the tests are positive for cancer, when it fact it is a false positive. I was once told I had cancer of the pituitary and that I was sterile. Well with 3 kids that I know about, that part had to be wrong, and as far as pituitary cancer, I grew up around enough doctors to doubt it seriously. Sure enough, false positives.

There is an alternative to all this nonsense, with is especial barbarity directed at women, but we have to love our freedom to have it.