Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fines if You Disagree

Thomas Szasz, in his book Coercion as Care, lays out, from a psychiatrists point of view, how medicine is becoming coercive and mandatory. Of course, the next step is fines and imprisonment if you do not take the cure for which you've been obliged to pay. Under the bad old communists, they used to send the family of the person they just shot a bill for the bullet. Under capitalism, you must finance your destruction on the pre-payment plan.

In the late 1940's, when president Truman tried to nationalize medicine, the AMA and doctors fought against it, saying it would lead to lower quality, widespread fraud, rationing, unhappy doctors, unhappier patients and much higher costs (they did not see infanticide and physician-assisted suicide coming.) But using the Fabian method, slowly but surely the bad guys have taken over medicine. At the same time, as medicine degenerated in USA, certain kinds of people who use to enter medicine began to go into other fields, and the range of people who become doctors has narrowed. Those live wires and just good, intuitive people who populate every field and drive it forward are elsewhere when it comes to the field of medicine. The range of doctors left in the field is sufficienty pro-government intervention and subsidy and regulation, to the point we all are going to get what only a few of us wanted, free medicine, good and hard.