Friday, January 22, 2010

Politics and Money

My UPS driver told me today the Supreme Court ruled campaign contribution and business endorsing candidates is free speech and cannot be regulated by Congress. People are calling it the end of the world. I doubt it. Just how much more money can be crammed into a system in which big biz already calls the shots.

I informed the UPS driver, who I guess this was before his time, that UPS was once regional and to ship a package across the country one had to stand in line in the post office, becuase the USPS had a monopoly on country-wude parcel delivery. UPS bribed NIxon in 1972 (happily) with enoough money to get reelected, and UPS won the right to deliver packages nationwide. It was wonderful for we who once stood in line to turn over packages that were soon lost or stolen. UPS changed all that.

I don't think the ruling will have much change. Big Biz already wins the elections no matter what, so why would they spend even more money? The fact they now funnel through the back door probably wont change either, since big bix wants to appear fair and balanced.