Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Private Business Breaks the Big Stories

Although it was clear to anyone who bothered to review the global warming data that the case was bogus, there was much money to be made and grants to be granted if a "scientist" went along with the scam to lock down people.  It was never the newspapers who broke the stories, it was private businesspeople working on their own and networking.  Here is a an article on who did it and how.

Now if someone, somewhere would just expose the Iraq and Afghan war scam, please quickly, before we attack Iran.

Like securities regulation, it was private businesses, not the SEC who spotted the frauds such as Enron and Bernie Madoff.  James Chanos risked his own capital and then got rich spotting the nonsense about Enron. The requisite and govt approved ratings agencies, this time Moody's, did not get around to warning about Enron until 3 days AFTER it crashed, and 3 weeks before it went into bankruptcy.

The free market works.  Capitalism and communisn do not.