Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Downturn Ahead Forecast

Even the mainstream economists are saying we are headed into a second downturn, worse than the first.  Your only defense is also the only solution: get self employed. Rabbi Daniel Lapin has a fascinating book that lays out how the bible urges you to success in business.  I highly recommend his book, especially a part where he talks about asset allocation (in particular "something to sell") and teaching the next generation.  (No kids yourself?  Well, teach kids who have no adults around.)

Lapin bills himself as YOUR Rabbi, so he is accessible through his blog and also shows up giving speeches in front of the widest groups of people imaginable, even sworn enemies.  There are two ways to accomplish this feat:  one is to pander to each group, that is to agree with them, the other is to teach something so radical (in the sense of root, genuine) that each group naturally agrees with you.  Lapin does the latter, which takes courage.