Check out a new business promoting USA wines to Asia in general, Hong Kong in particular. From their website, I quote:
Our passion for providing the best wine to Asia comes from our passion for drinking, researching and sharing, as well as our frustration with an inability to currently get the best wines in Hong Kong, regardless of their origin. We will work with individual vineyards and institutions in Asia to provide the best, most complete and most honest wine drinking experience possible.
Our love for wines is only matched by our commitment to charitable organizations in the regions we do business. We will work with local charities and donate our time, energy, network and wine to help impact the greater society. Wine is a passion, but there is more to life and we hope to impact all of our clients and their organizations positively and altruistically.
Pretty insulting. Hong Kong has a astonishingly good supply and stock of the very best wines in the world, although lite on USA selections. There is a reason for that. The average price paid by importers for USA reds is $3. Gallo is big here and if a winery is not big, they are happy to unload good stuff at a low price, to keep the domestic USA prices higher.
Altruism is the kiss of death as a business offering. They have even named their company Altruistic Wines. It suggests a sense of entitlement, and who wants to work with someone who thinks you owe them your business?
They have a full page ad in a local newspaper for a weekend event here in Hong kong. They have fantastic sponsor/partners. The link from the ad does not move easily to the place where one orders. The order form includes misspellings:
Please remember to print out your confimration to bring to the registration table for check-in. We will not be mailing a physical ticket for the event.
The want abut $50 for a wine tasting... and $300 for a black tie dinner. But hey, its for a charitable cause, right?
This is no way to build a business. I will make quick video on how to get into the wine export business while I am here, and post it when I get back.
Yes, please share that video with us. I would like to export Canadian wines to China.
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