Saturday, May 22, 2010

Outrageous Conspiracies

I've blogged somewhere else that conspiracy theories tend to be used to absolve ourselves of any responsibility.  If agents of the US government brought down the twin towers on 9-11, then there is a wicked cabal directing things, beyond our control.  How comforting.

Of course the plain truth is some 19 Saudi Arabians retaliated on 9-11 for USA occupation of their Holy Lands.  Now, had we addressed that on 9-12, it is unlikely we would have invaded Iraq, and Afghanistan, and all of the other crimes we've committed, including the self-inflicted security and economic policy disasters here in USA.  Instead we accepted the explanation on 9-12 that "they hate us for our freedoms." (Talk about conspiracy theories!)

It is far easier to revert to conspiracy theories than to study the attackers grievances, their motivations, and to move accordingly.