Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Selling Services

One beginner's mistake in selling services is to assess one's skillset and then price according to the value of the entire skillset. Say you identify ten specific traits at which you excel. The mistake is to say, "I can do services 1-10 for your company, at $250.00 per hour." The problem is companies, your customers, are likely to only want service number three, and have no use for your other 9 offerings. When you ask what they want from you, and you find out "only service number three" you may mistakingly calculate that is only worth $25 an hour, since it is only 1/10th your skillset.

If you decide you need to make $250 an hour selling your services, or forget it, then your offer should be for $250 an hour for the only service the customer wants, service #3. Regardless of what the custoerm asks for, the price is $250 an hour.

Aboout 15 years ago I came across an outline of how to write a service proposal, by John Fellows. I searched the net to link to him, but could find nothing. The magazine I pulled the article from no longer exists. So what I am going to is reproduce a jpeg scan of the article for you to review. (Maybe Mr. Fellows will contact me and I can link to him instead. His work is good.  I believe you can click on it for a larger image.