Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Louisiana?

Ragin Cajun James Carville, as talented an apologists for democratic preferences as any, has taken direct aim at Obama over the lackadaisical response by the feds to the oil blowout.

How come disasters in Louisiana get such tepid response? Could it be because Lpuisiana is not completely part of the UCC?

Could it be where in most places in USA oil is controlled by Big Govt/Big Oil, Louisiana managed to keep its oil controlled on the State level, with profits rather local?

And with its independent thinking, and strategic place at the Mississippi delta, what with South America growing in importance to USA, just can't let things stay the way they are in Louisiana.

The definition of a gaffe is when a politician speaks the truth. Mayor Nagin famously said after Katrina New Orleans "would be chocolate again" when it was clear to black Americans the government response was designed to ethnically cleanse new Orleans, although in a peaceful manner.

Do I think there is a conspiracy? No, just as politial advisors remind their bosses, never waste a disaster. Oil is gushing up from a mile down. Stopping it is a matter of physics. Not stopping it is a matter of politics. Expect big changes as a result of this disaster. None good for New Orleans. Hence Carvilles rant.