Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cops Crush Small Business

In the Seattle area we have a kid who managed to elude the cops for 2 years, living off the land and occasionally burglarizing a store for food and necessities, or firing up a stove in a restaurant to make a meal, when it was closed.  he also figured out how to pilot a plane, making it as far as Bermuda before the law caught him.

Another kid from Seattle a few years back could not be bothered with tickets and security to travel so he easily foiled the TSA and airline security to get from Seattle To Dallas.  Oh, I forgot, the nine year old stole a car in Lakewood to get to SeaTac airport, picking up a police chase on the way, which he eluded.  Of course, it was an airline clerk, not the be-badged TSA that eventually caught the wee stowaway.  (If you want airline security, let the airlines do it. )

Now comes a story out of Valencia California where a transient cracked open an abandoned bar and grill and began serving drinks.  Business was good for four days until a cop became suspicious and arrested the entrepreneur on several state offenses.

Why do we arrest such people?  I'd love to hire all three, although I am sure none will ever work for anyone else.  What brilliance, moxie, and inspiration.  Someone should add an good education to that native intelligence, and get out of the way.  Instead, they will be trained in prison how to be a real predator.