Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why USA Managers Cost Too Much

Another reason is because they have to foot the bill for people who are not productive.  We learn that in the USA, there are nearly one million people with Top Secret security clearance (something tells me there are probably a dozen levels higher than "top" given govt ruination of language whenever it uses it.)  My first reaction was "and how many of those million are working for the other side?"  Point is, for someone to have such a security level, they must work in a very expensive secure environment, with lavish expense and support.  The cost comes out of the pockets of the productive.

We learn a Private First Class has released a 100,000 pages of documents telling us of the criminality of our attack on the Middle East.  Of course we all knew this before his leaks, but he is a true Jeffersonian American, and should be in USA explaining himself instead of a Kuwaiti prison.  Bring Pfc Bradley Manning home!  But back to the topic, all of this is paid for, at least billed to, productive Americans.

When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, USA and China supported the formation of al Qaeda, and trained bin Laden and his crew.  Taliban just means "students" in Pashtun, and was a student movement, a reaction to the chaos which followed the Soviet withdrawal. When they did not let our oil cross their country on our terms, we attacked.

China seems to have played their cards better: they get more oil from the middle east than we do, and have no troops committed there.  As I said before, it is a lot cheaper to buy the oil than fight for it.

To get into a service academy is a political process: a congressman nominates you to West Point or Annapolis, etc.   Congress decides who becomes a general or admiral.  The Bush family always removes the serving officers before they start a war, likely because the officers who know best are against the adventure. This means our top officers in war are political hacks, and certainly unworthy of the soldiers who serve under them.

Losing a war is costly too.  The powers that be will remain in power win or lose.  Cheney and Rumsfeld and most of the neocons were serving in the Nixon administration when Vietnam defeated the USA. They went on to do the exact same thing again in the middle east.

AS long as USA is directing its productive capacity to pointless elective war, USA productive management has to bear the cost.  China's economic success is relative: they are not fighting wars.  Declare victory, come one home,  and let's get back to work.