Friday, August 27, 2010

Fear of Raw Milk Is a Conditioned Reflex

Your fear of raw milk is a conditioned reflex.  Tha bad guys learned from Pavlov how to keep you in line.  You were told over and over, to the point extremely few people will disagree, that raw milk is dangerous.  It is not, any more than eggs or spinach.  Government never catches an disease outbreak.  Much of wht we eat, carries disease.  In almost all cases, the cook eliminates any risk.

Raw milk from small dairies is quite safe, and far more healthy than the pointless whitewater you buy from mega-dairies.  Hence it is becoming ever more popular.  It is not possible for megadairies to keep raw milk safe.  To eliminate the competition, the megadairies, and the "safety inspectors" and the police departments destroy family farms.  Not only in Wisconsin, but all fifty states.  Here is an example.  WE need more of this kind of reporting.