Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Small Biz Throws In the Towel

Mish Shedlock bird dogs a Wells Fargo - Gallup poll that shows small business has thrown in the towel in USA as far as business outlook.  Mish makes the point there is no recovery without small business, and they spake thus: report.

I'll say it again, it ain't the taxes, it is the regulations.  Anyone hiring an employee is out of his head, what with the strings to various government agencies that come with each employee.  Start-ups face overwhelming odds, not from the market, but from minions in government that come and enforce silly rules.  There is condign punishment ahead..  with lower tax revenues, layoffs are coming.  Smaller government is inevitable, and these govt workers will have no jobs to go to.  Not to worry, congress is working on changing the draft from 18-42 years old (it's now 26 years old, males only, but all medical personnel regardless of sex), which will be convenient solution to the problem of the unemployed.

There is an alternative to finding people jobs in occupied Iraq or Afghanistan, or invading Iran.  If we reduce the regulations in USA say back to, what, 1990? we'd see an explosion of peace and prosperity here at home and get back on track.

Ain't gonna happen.