Friday, September 3, 2010

Africa Can Feed Itself

It always did, indeed, the Roman empire rather depended on grain exports from Africa to maintain itself.  What is new is the reverse imperialism introduced by USA, in which local farmers are wiped out by USA grain exports, making the entire country dependent on the imperialists, as opposed to the imperialists are dependent on the colonies.  Nowadays we have more interesting things to extract, like chromium, rare earth materials and that radioactive stuff, I forget what it is called, which is necessary for cell phones.  And of course, gold, silver, diamonds and other common goodies...

Africa is short of food now for the same reason Ireland was once short of food: imperialists manipulated the food supply, with the connivance of enough Irishmen to make it work. So it is in Africa:  African Yale graduates do business with their American Yale graduate co-horts to arrange matters that benefit a few Americans but lay waste to wide swathes of Africa.

This was the factual situation that Pol Pot worked from when he carried out his scorched earth policy in Kampuchea.  That was appalling, but policies have consequences, and every USA citizen needs to have solidarity with the people who suffer under USA policies.

For the USA government, and their handmaidens, the NGOs, to get out now would not end the problem. Farming requires cultural capital, it is handed down from generation to generation, and is lost if one generation is out.  These very many "organic farmers" in USA are learning this the hard way.  USA policies one devastated our country, and may soon again.

The only way to heal this, is after we bring home the Hamiltonians, and prosecute them, is for small business to trade, and begin the healing process.

Top photo, Finbarr O'Reilly, bottom photo Dorothy Lange.