Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cop Cam

We had a discussion here a while back on cop cams to film one's interaction with the police.  Now the Cato Institute weighs in with a video in support of the topic.  Once upon a time Cato was very much pro-police and now seems less so.  In fact, articles are running more and more against the police, although I cannot quantify it, it just seems to me.

A recurring theme in the news is govt pay and pensions, a problem that has gone mainstream in reporting.  After spending decades lavishing money on police, and justifying it with overstating the role of police in society, are we now running the other way, cutting back and understating the role?

In Japan the Meiji restoration overthrew the shogunate, and so one day the Samurai were no more, just a crew of unemployed former hotshots undone by technology.  Most went out and got jobs or hired themselves out for whatever.

We are experiencing a Soviet-style end to the reaches of what capitalism can offer government.  Within the governing ranks, there will be pushing and shoving over the diminishing returns.  Law enforcement now gets a huge amount of money, just under schools.  Schools will win the fight.