Thursday, October 7, 2010

It All Goes to The Landfill

Well not all, but almost all of it does.  As you get on your hands and knees to sort garbage to appease the recycle gods each week, under the state religion, you should know most of your work ends up in the landfill anyway.  How come?  Because the govt told you there was a problem, and then told you they could handle the solution.  Govt tends to solve problems that don't exist.  I am not saying there is not a lot of excess trash, just that if you feel good about recycling, you do not feel bad about over packaging.  Over packaging is good for big biz.  Recycling is a great way to increase costs of govt and then spread that money around on govt minions.  The solution is to end all recycling that is govt offered and subsidized, and watch the trash yield drop like crazy.

I learned that almost all recycling ends up in the landfill when I was dealing in glass, and visited the recyclers.  They made no bones about it, most of what they processed got shipped over to the hole in the ground eventually.

When my daughters were required by the govt to "learn" about recycling in grade school, and "do a report." I told them to call the recycling provider for our neighborhood and ask to speak to the PR person, and ask about where it goes.  First daughter said the receptionist who answered the phone confirmed most of it (almost all) goes to the dump.  My daughter did not feel free to report the truth, so she went along like a good Bush Youth and towed the party line.  The other a few years later had a similar experience.

When California was paying the highest for recycled glass, entrepreneurs from Nevada and Mexico were shipping in fully loaded containers of the stuff to locations at the borders.  Expenditures went through the roof...  serious money made until California backed off.

George Soros says he is a billionaire taking advantage of stupid government policy.  Why not?