Sunday, November 28, 2010

More Proof Anarchy Works

Begium has not had a government of over six months.  What?  You have not heard this?  You expect government controlled USA media to report, it is quite possible, natural... even beneficial to have no government?

This who are talking about it do so in the context there is no one to sell the authorize the bailouts necessary to sell the Belgian people down the river with bank bailouts.  Irelands government is selling the Irish into slavery, in spite of the fact that Iceland refused to bail out their banks, let the Iceland banks fail, and life goes on.

Why would the Belgians be in a hurry to form a government, just so they can be saddled with debt.  Anarchy is not only possible, it is ideal.

Last weekend I spent 3 days skiing at Whistler in British Columbia.  Again, anarchy in action.  Thousands of people, countless languages and cultures, all organized and cooperating to make life easy and smooth.  nary a cop in sight, anywhere.  But of course it is private property, free markets, and everyone here, from workers to paying customers, are all volunteering to be here.

Anarchy is the natural state for peace and prosperity.