Monday, November 8, 2010

Pilots Have Learned Their Lesson

9-11 atrocity was possible only due to federal regulations regarding hijacking, to which pilots must comply or lose their jobs.  These rules the hijackers knew, and exploited. Several pilots, likely combat veterans all, were led to slaughter, as were their passengers, with only box cutters, against probably 20 to 1 odds.  Not a single FAA person responsible for making the rules or implementing the rules died in the attack.  Not a single government worker lost his job. Quite the contrary, countless more government workers were created due to the government policy failure.

The TSA is government theatre, acting out a charade regarding airline safety. If and when there is another attack, what known rules there are at the time will be exploited.  The Airlines share blame in this lack of safety, since they take the subsidies from the government and are happy to have taxpayers pick up the tab for "security."

Airlines could provide better security at a far lower cost.  But it would have to be a trade secret, that is to say, "it's none of your business how we protect our passengers and aircraft."  Security would be a competitive item, with safety results published.  There are very many ways to thwart hijackers, but airlines are obliged to follow the stated rules of the government workers.  A system when various airlines constantly shifting various means would make liklihood of success diminish, and terrorists pick another target.  They pick airlines for the spectacular and psychological effect.  Something would have to do.  of course, we would keep working down the line of targets, introducing responsibility and safety, until al qaeda was reduced to turning over garbage cans at midnight to make their point.

We could also, since the CIA, the 9-11 commission and al-qaeda all agree, the reason for the terrorist attacks is objection to USA occupying their lands, we could stop occupying their lands, and stop the attacks.  President Reagan cut and ran from the terrorists in 1982, and the attacks let up.

The pilots are buying the security charade, and happily they are not leaving us behind.  Here a principled pilot, representing others, who apparently has lost his job for refusing pointless search, is working to eliminate the pointless government theatre.  Happily, he is not leaving the passengers behind, and