Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Do They Know That We Do Not Know

Insider trading is 3000 sold to one bought, Steve Balmer at Microsoft unloaded 75 million shares, and Cisco insiders are unloading millions of shares....  Mish covers this nicely, but the rich clear out first...


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to create my very own job since there aren't any good jobs you can get.

Could someone provide any tips or websites as to how to get government grant money to begin with my personal business? I've been looking over the internet but just about every website asks for money and I've been told by the unemployment office to stay away from the websites that ask for cash for grant info because they're scammers. I'd personally be sincerely grateful for any help.

Matthew said...

wow that is pretty ominous isn't it. It's too bad that I am so young and don't really have a lot of wealth acquired at this point in life. Or a business started up yet...I think my generation is going to have some serious issues feeding the baby boomers... sorry guys