Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why Property Rights Keep Us Safe

Since property rights are not respected in USA, we are vulnerable to criminals, by way of government intervention.  The wikileaks demonstrate how criminals find easy access into USA given, like 9-11, our government policy.  Justin Raimondo lays it out here.

Under a regime that respects property rights, in a free market, people are allowed in only where they are personally and specifically welcome.  If United Airlines does not care to give you a lift, you are not getting on the airplane.  If the privately owned JFK airport does not care to let you traverse, you re not getting off the airplane.  If the taxi or privately owned rail does not sell you a ticket, you are not going to midtown.  So it is.  In a free market, you depend on your reputation.  No need for government screening.  The market will screen you.  Criminals find it too hard to operate in a free market.