Friday, January 28, 2011

عبد الرحمن يوسف في يوم الغضب

It has been noted that before the center of evil, the USSR fell, all of its satellites went down...  It is encouraging to see the generally peaceful acting up of the Egyptian people, here too...

عبد الرحمن يوسف في يوم الغضب

... no doubt they will throw out their USA backed dictator, like the Iranian threw out the Shah of Iran, and certainly the Iraqis could have thrown out Saddam if they cared to do so.

It is cruel and wrong to trap countless talented and motivated people in a system that benefits only a few, whether in Egypt or the United States.  Voting for change is impossible, but the only sustainable change is through nonviolence.

Islam is the religion of peace, so nonviolence is a typical response to oppression, and an excellent book on this is The Pathan Unarmed.