Friday, January 14, 2011

Food Renaissance

Seems our younger generation is steeping out of the rat race with food as an escape...  wish them well, but hope they expand into other fields...  I wonder why food alone is such a draw?


Grant Wallace said...

I have been cooking since I was 13, drawing recipes from the internet mostly then. I began cooking for survival at 16 and began to enjoy cooking, not only because i got to eat it, but because I could share it too. it grew bland and at 19 I became a vegetarian and discovered a whole new world of cooking based mostly around western indian cuisine.

I am sure you understand that people have different passions and desires and many are born of necessity. i am 21 now and cooking has been a way for me to relax and get some time away from the work i do on the computer and fulfillment of orders. it is great to take a couple hours every day to cook up when working from home...just one of the perks of being a small business owner. but yes, it is just an outlet for creativity and innovation, based mainly on survival but also impressing others and escaping from the fast pace life.