Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Happened To Forbes Magazine?

For the longest time Forbes was the only business magazine I read or recommended.  Great stories, good columnists, excellent fact checking.  Something happened last Summer, they did a redesign, and then ran an article by Dinesh DiSousa, a neocon hack, who trashed Obama and made wild, weird charges in the article.  I'd never seen anything like it in Forbes.

It seems to have gone downhill fast.  I used to subscribe to First Things, and journal of religion and politics, read it cover to cover, but after 9-11 it became home to the Theocons, who used it to mischaracterize CAtholic teaching on just war and obfuscate Vatican condemnation of the USA criminal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.  It seemed as though First Things simply signed up with USA warmonger agencies.

So is Forbes hard up, and taking bailout money in return for staying in business?  The Forbes article by DiSousa was an advance read on his book.  I am not linking to it because it is trash.

So "Blame Obama" Google update:

About 18,300,000 results

"Blame Bush" Google update:

About 2,090,000 results

Ha!  Who did more harm?


Richard Opheim said...

I'm not at all sure that U.S. presidents can be "blamed." It seems to me that the basic functioning of the system is not related to which political party controls the presidency or congress. As long as there's a FRS, for example, there will always be a boom-bust cycle. Which party is in favor of relinquishing control of the money supply?