Monday, February 28, 2011

Extremely Encouraging

If in 1976 when I first heard of Apple Computer, I would have had no idea what Jobs and Wozniak were talking about if they explained the microcomputer to me.  Today I have no idea what these people are talking about in this video, but it sure looks like the start of another Apple Computer, but this time for energy.   Note their initial design.

Here is their channel:

Note Apple's initial design:

We innovators introduce items that are unique, not very good design, expensive, and hard to come buy.  Over time the innovator ever improves the item, selling more and more.  Here is the apple computer today.

Expect all power labs to make similar advances.  The lesson is it does not take much to compete on design.  You merely need to get a product, rough as it may be, good enough to get enough orders to cover a suppliers minimum production run, in a workable amount of time, profitably.  Then you ever improve the product (or service) based on ever wider customer feedback.  At some point, by conservators acquiring the innovators idea and applying the economies of scale to the ultimate design, or the company going IPO and acquiring the heft to achieve economies of scale, either way, the price falls to the point everyone has access to the material good that the innovator introduced, lo those few years go.  The market provides more, better, cheaper, faster.

As an aside, I could not help but think this duo above is an energy version of pomplamoose.

I am getting encouraged that we may in fact have a depth of talent among the young to pull us out.  I only regret that government commandeers so much money cures for diseases like that which afflicts Jobs are not available.  In a free market we would have such things.  In capitalism, we just have extremely rich people, which is rather pointless.  Wealth is in options, not exceptions.

Thanks to anthony for this tip...