Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Man Who Admits Iraq War Lies Says No Other Way

Now that the Egyptian people have shown, as the Tunisian and Iranian people have shown, that the people of a country can overthrow a dictator, the man responsible for the lies regarding WMD in Iraq admits he lied, but says there was no other way to rid Iraq of Saddam.  Send him to Egypt.

Of course nobody believed Bush/Cheney when they claimed they knew, so Gen. Colin powell was trotted out, since his career has been a a series of milestone lies.  Maj. Colin Powell began his career on the way up by lying and covering up the My Lai Massacre.  Colin Powell claimed no GIs were left behind in Vietnam, knowing full well GIs were left behind.and here (chapter 26 note 9)  And the to cap his career, they brought Powell out to lie about weapons of mass destruction.

USA soldiers were massed at the Iraqi border prior to the invasion of Iraq.  If any general believed that Iraq had WMD and delivery systems, then that general was a fool or criminal.  Defeat would have been quick for the USA forces.  The fact that our troops were masses proves we already knew there we no WsMD in Iraq.

We need to get back to our constitution, bring our troops home, and build peaceful trade worldwide.