Friday, March 25, 2011

All Volunteer Army

Here is an important essay by David Stockman, Reagan's budget director who lost his job for telling the truth.

Note student loans do not through banks anymore, a student applies directly to the government.  To get any loans or benefits, a lad must register for the military draft.  Note this from Stockman's article...

In fact, the two principal categories of household debt – mortgage loans and revolving credit, continue to decline as American families slowly shed unsupportable debt. The only reason total household debt appears to be stabilizing in recent quarters is that student loan volumes are soaring, but this growth is being funded entirely by the Bank of Uncle Sam now that private bank loan guarantees have been eliminated.
Now here is the problem.. . the dotcom boom, computerization, the way we grew ourselves out of the 1980 recession, was by Jimmy Carter deregulating, airlines, beer, telephones and transportation.  Country's economy grew.  Please name what today is being deregulated so we may have more better cheaper faster... innovation.. and jobs for all of these graduates.   There is nothing.   What we have is only another invasion of a sandbox.

If you are in the military, your home cannot be foreclosed on.  If you are in the military, your student loans are forgiven.  When students cannot pay back their loans, which cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy, they will face anything they make above subsistence being taken by the government (which has all borders and banks in lock-down) until it is paid back.  Fat chance when there are no jobs. So join the all-volunteer army.  Such is "choice" in USA.