Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Radiation. Or not.

No Change, we are still at background radiation levels, sitting at 0.01mr/hr.  I think I'll start posting my clicks per minute, since that seems to be more common.   

Many people on the yahoo geiger counter club group are getting background readings as well, and some have very sophisticated instraments with software that tracks constantly.   If a plume does arive from Japan, I'm sure the message board will light up with details. 

With that said,  the University of Maryland is posting a map showing possible landfall for the plume released from the March 19th reactor explosion, to arrive on March 25th.  May see something then.

And here is Miss Atomic Bomb 1957 in her mushroom cloud swimsuit.
Copa Room showgirl Lee Merlin poses in a cotton, mushroom ...