Monday, April 18, 2011

Checking Out Suppliers

On Apr 17, 2011, at 5:27 PM, wrote:    
    Hi John,
This is S, your student from last year.
I have a list of companies that I would like to contact that was referred to me by the
Chamber of Commerce of Madagascar.
Before I start contacting them,  I would like to know how can I get an accurate research about their companies?
Thank you

Hey S,

I would go straight to the companies.  Your first inquiry will generate some responses, and those responses will tell you much about the companies.  Later, when you get samples and prices, that will tell you much about the company.  There will be other indicators as you communicate.  Finally, there will be references provided to you by the ones you ask, the ones you think best...  they will give you five references (and if not, do not work with them) of satisfied customers elsewhere in the world.

That saves time and money, and is the most effective anyway.
