Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How USA Works

Here is an important story, factual but out of the mainstream.  The mainstream media is owned by the government, so it is not possible to get articles like this from the government.  And so, such articles are written by people who use lots of bad words.  Anyway, it is important to read this to see how USA works.

What is clear from this article is all of the DEA, FDA, FBI, TSA etc is there just to keep us oppressed while the bigwigs rip us off with total impunity.  The bigwigs can count on people saying, "Well, if it makes us safer..."

Our leadership does not believe in USA.  This is the voters fault for voting in our leadership.  Election fraud is rampant in USA, but they only need to throw elections by a few percent to get the desired result.  this also means voters need only move a few percent to a independent to win.  Ross Perot got 19%.  Clinton won with 33%, just like Hitler.  14 point sis not too far to regain freedom.  Watch how you vote.