Sunday, April 17, 2011

One Half Pay No Fed Taxes

Following up on tax talk is the article which states that half of us pay no Fed Taxes, usually the very rich and very poor.  But this quote distressed me, for a Columbia professor:

"This voluntary idea clearly represents a mindset that basically pretends there's no such things as collective goods that we produce," Schoenberg said. "Are you going to let people volunteer to build the road system? Are you going to let them volunteer to pay for education?"

Well, the answer is yes.  And no, we do not want people forced to do it. USA is not a collective, so we do not have such things a collective goods.  70% of firemen in USA are volunteers, it should be 100%.  100% of roads made in USA are done by private contractors, and the majority of roadway in USA is for private use (your driveway, parking lots, service roads, etc.)   Although the government arrogates unto itself plenty of "public use" goodies, it is entirely unnecessary.

It ain't the taxes, folks, it is the regulations that are killing us.  Taxes will neither solve anything nor break anything.