Friday, April 15, 2011

Suppression of Small Business

As I read history, one theme keeps coming up, and that is suppression of enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.  This is a theme in anti-communist writings, but it is as alive in capitalism as it was in communism.  The FDA is threatening small creameries over specious concerns.  I was listening to a radio report of a small securities trader who has been harrassed for 10 years by the SEC, the same group that missed Bernie Madoff.  The ways and means of this suppression I will elucidate over time, and more important, the reason why.

The idea that small business oppression is recent and limited to communist societies is just plain wrong.  It is active in all times and places, when the more control a society wants, the more is suppresses initiative.

One observation I may make, is to solve a problem, you need to see a problem, and feel free to address it.  This means going against the status quo.  To see the problem, you must break free of social conditioning, a tall order.  After that, you must be thick skinned enough to ignore the insults.

We are to applaud the advances of Western government and science, because we have more and live longer than before. Aside from the fact there is no measurement for happiness,  the longevity figure is nonsense since to arrive at life expectancy of 74, you have to leave out those killed in war, which the statists do.  Given in the 20th century the 100 million killed by socialism, and the countless more killed by capitalism, in USA alone we have had 45 million abortions (and we finesse those deaths by saying they are not people), the average life expectancy would be more like 29 years old if we actually counted people who do not count.

We are told we are lucky to be in a time and place of widespread disease control and longevity,  due to inoculation and vaccines.  Sheer nonsense. Not because the stuff does not work, but because it does not matter.  We can protect against small pox or tuberculoses all we want, but once we go to war, if those diseases do not jump up, something we did not know about will.  No war, no disease danger anyway.  With war, we get nailed anyway.

Of course war will always be, and disease is always the big killer in war, but perhaps if we understood this, we would not be so quick to go to war.

So medicine is largely just another govt program where they solve problems that do not exist, or worse. Once a "preventative medicine" program is widespread, they add in trojan horses in the cocktail of drugs, to sterilize people who are brown or darker, or white and poorer.

We want to believe we are for good things and against bad things, and malcontents are just ignorant or sour grapists.  But if we see things as they are, we might say,  "hmmm... war will always be, let's catalog all rare diseases and figure which bacteriophages conquer which diseases..." instead of directing the medicine industry to curing things that won't happen or don't matter.