Friday, May 6, 2011

A Free Scotland

As a Scots-Irish, mostly Scot, I am delighted to see the Scottish vote themselves the independence party into power, and I do wish them well.  The Irish fought their way to freedom, but it was less than 100 years before they sold themselves into slavery again, by voting to bailout the banks on the backs of generations of Irish.

By accident, the Spanish scholastics who were able to access Aristotle compliments of the Islamic scholars began to work on the topics of freedom in the late middle ages.  This moved to France and became the idea of laissez faire, and from Catholic France to Catholic Scotland, where protestant moral philosophers turned it into the study we call economics.  From there to USA and Hong Kong.

The worst slums in Europe are in Scotland, and where once the Scottish pound for pound were the most innovative people on earth, they are not so today. What is missing is freedom, and they have the chance to reclaim that.  But a line form the article scares me...

 the SNP have promised that tuition fees will never be introduced in Scotland, and that education will remain as an investment in the future made available to all young people. 

yikes...  what Scotland needs is a free market in education, not substituting Scottish pusillanimity for Englander pusillanimity.