Friday, May 6, 2011

Galley Up!

One of the fun things about being self-employed is being self-directed.  I did some teaching on the side which led to writing and publishing a book, and then I fired my publisher, Barnes & Noble, and imported and distributed the book.  This turned out to be such a good idea, and the results so beneficial, I decided to write a second book on how to get a book out and sold.  The principles of getting your customers first is common in any other business I have been in, and so I brought that to publishing, and it has worked out well.  My 2nd book shows this, how to.

Now I see has opened a business called that in essence makes the same argument my book does.  I do not consider this competition in the sense of bad for me, but competition in the sense of good for me.  After I make the point in my book, comes along and says the same thing, they agree.  It does not get any better than that. (Although I doubt anyone at read my work, plenty of people are figuring this out. I am just the first to write it down)

My second book, on how to get a book, is ready to go to the printer.  I've ut it up on my website for you to download for free, here.

Careful, it is full of images, of documents relating to importing your own books, so it is a big file, 26 megs!  It may take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to download, depending on your internet connection.  Maybe you want to start the download before you have dinner when the computer is not otherwise being used.

If you do download and read the book, and find errors, and notify me, I will fix the error and acknowledge your help in the acknowldgements section of the book.  Just think, you'll be immortalized in print!  But you have only about 2 weeks from today to send in the errors, because by then the presses will be rolling.

The books advocates teaching and writing your way to paid publication.  Feel free to share the .pdf with anyone interested in the topic.  It can also be read as a case study in small business international trade, so you might find it interesting from that perspective.

O! And it is up for presale at, because, as you know, we importers do not buy the goods overseas until we have enough orders here to warrant the purchase.  I am there, so expect your book in 5 weeks if you buy through

How about that!  Read the book for free, find problems, get your name in the acknowledgements, and see your name in that very book within a few weeks!  Modern publishing!