Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Only Temporary

And just .06 of a percent....  it will NEVER go higher and it will be gone in 4 years...  and it will NEVER come to USA...

If you own property, or have a pension or retirement savings or plan... or earn a paycheck...  you are a sitting duck...

Self-employment is your only possible defense...


Anonymous said...

If I own property I'm a sitting duck? Please elaborate. What's a property owner (home owner) to do?
I look forward to your reply.

John Wiley Spiers said...

I am not financial planner, but I tell you what I did. Get out of property. The price you get now will be the best in 30 years, even if it is low. If you are underwater, see a lawyer about walking away. It is not a question of morality, it is a question of contract terms. The deed of trust contract says, if you don't pay, they take your house. It is just one of the contract options.

Property, pensions, paychecks... where else can they get the money for the powers that be? They will also degrade what you do get: food, health care, travel, security... that sort of thing.

There is an alternative, and that is freedom, but that is never an option in a democracy.

The only defense is self-employment. They will tax earnings, but you are in control of what you earn, therefore taxes. Be like GE, pay no taxes.