Wednesday, May 11, 2011

North On Escape to Anarchy

John Rawls is a heavy hitter in political thought, with his theme of "original position."

As a thought experiment, the original position is a hypothetical position designed accurately to reflect what principles of justice would be manifest in a society premised on free and fair cooperation between citizens, including respect for liberty, and an interest in reciprocity.[1][2]  (wikipedia)

Better than original position, we should work from reality, let's call it the Katrina-time.  At Katrina, government ran away, but barred the Red Cross from helping out, the weak were executed, and Blackwater (now Xe) thugs terrorized citizens.  It doesn't get more original than that.

Anthony bird-dogs an article by Gary North on Sean Penn, who is leading an escape from chaos to anarchy.  I can't reproduce it, but here is the article North based his essay on...

It's got a good video too...